Our Achievements


Rural Water Supply & Sanitation

Project Location

Malangali, Wangamiko, Mpanga, Luduga, Hanjawanu, Igando, Iyayi, Mayale,Kijombe and Lyadebwe villages

Provision of Technical Consultancy Services for Igando - Kijombe Water Supply Gravity scheme

Project Location

Arusha District Council

Consultancy Services for Preparation of feasibility study, including Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Preliminary Design for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene Project

Project Location

Twelve Districts in Lindi and Mtwara Regions

Detailed Design Tender documentation and construction supervision for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects

Project Location

Tanga and Mbeya Regions

Detailed Design Tender documentation Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects and Construction supervision

Project Location

Singida, Iramba and Morogoro Rural Districts

Detailed Designs and Preparation of Tender Documents and Supervision of Works for 1st Year Investment Plan for Water Supply and Sanitation

Project Location

Morogoro District

Detailed Design Tender documentation and construction supervision Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Projects

Project Location

Ajduman, Northern Uganda

Feasibility Study, Detailed design, and Construction Supervision of Adjuman Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Project Location

(MCPY-11 & PS 6-Singida), (PS-5 & MCPY 10-Tabora), MCPY 7-Chato, MCPY-12-Dodoma, MC-13-Manyara, MST-Tanga and MCPY-14 –Kilindi and MCPY-8 Bukombe, (PS-3 & MCPY-6 -Kagera), MCPY-9- Nzega and PS-4 Geita

Water Sourcing Services Project for EAST AFRICAN CRUDE OIL PIPELINE (EACOP)